Day 25: I’ve Been Served


Day 25: I’ve Been Served

As I write this to you, my ex-wife has just texted me to say that she’s serving me with the divorce papers to sign in 10 minutes. I guess this is it. I haven’t seen her or even talked to her since she left, so this is probably going to be the pinnacle of my stressful week. She’s meeting me ████ ███ ██ ███████ ████, probably to avoid us fighting or me begging her to take me back. But I know once she makes up her mind, it’s made up, so there’s going to be no pleading from me. I’m just going to try to keep my mind clear and keep it technical and logistical, and get it over with. Here goes…

UPDATE: It’s over, the paperwork was simple. Sign now, sign again in 90 days and it will be official. On November 11, 2010, I will be officially divorced.

It was painful me to see her again, and she was clearly agitated to see me (first time face-to-face since they left). Not much was said. Fortunately I was already going out to Olive Garden for lunch with a friend afterwards, so that was a good decompression.