Day 95: Pink Flamingos


Day 95: Pink Flamingos

Overall, I’m doing better these days. But sometimes, when I’m tired, or I have a cold like I do today, it’s harder to fight away the memories of my ex-wife and stepdaughter. I wonder what they are doing out there in the world, if they are OK. But I have to; I have made it to the 3-month mark (the divorce will be final November 11th).

One of the techniques I’ve been using to combat the memories, as I’ve mentioned before, is rearranging and redecorating the house (I started by replacing photographs on the wall on Day 2). I guess it’s a way of expressing my interests that I wasn’t able to do when I was married. My ex-wife and I really didn’t have much in common. We liked different music, different food, different TV shows, movies, books and hobbies. She collected Ed Hardy and Siberian Husky nic-nacs while I collected pink flamingos and green aliens. A couple of weeks ago, I decided it was time that all my “mingo” nic-nacs saw the light of day, so I assembled them in the living room:

I turn the neon and other lights on in the evening and wonder what passersby on the neighborhood sidewalk think of this christmas-tree-like display. Of course when I needed new towels for my bathroom, I knew which direction I would go (unfortunately if you like pink flamingos, you have to like pink in general):

This weekend I drug out all my “weather lamps” which included three Plasma Balls, two Lightning Generators, a Virtual Tornado and a couple of Lava Lamps. I set these up in my computer room along with the remote-controlled Lighted Palm Tree and additional Flamingo lights:

It’s actually interesting how much spare time I have now that I’m single. Before I couldn’t even keep up reading emails from my own mother due to family duties; now I’ve had time to unearth all these nic-nacs from closets where they had quietly slept since we moved into this house in 2006.