[JESSE 2.0] Marriage Is Obsolete

[JESSE 2.0] Marriage Is Obsolete


NOTE: This entry was part of a blog I wrote called “Jesse 2.0” from 2010-2011. 

Sometimes things just come together for a blog entry, and it can happen quickly. I’m really glad I’m back to blogging about personal things, because I had really stopped that on my official blog after I got on Twitter & Facebook a couple years ago.

This morning, I happened to turn on the TV and saw a piece on Fox News about how a recent survey showed marriage may be becoming obsolete. It seemed ironic given my divorce, and also since I had just viewed this photo by my friend Carl on Facebook, ironically shot in a junkyard.

Carl JunkYard

“39% say marriage is becoming obsolete, up from 28% who responded to the same question posed in 1978… Census data reflect a declining percentage of married adults: 54% in 2010, down from… 72% in 1960.”

Down the street, another house that used to have a handful of kids running circles around it is now quiet and for sale. Another driveway that used to have several cars now only has one. I wonder if they met the same fate as me. Maybe I’m a trendsetter who was just ahead of the curve.