Beach 2.0

Beach 2.0


I did something that I haven’t done in 20 years this Summer — I took TWO beach vacations, both with my wonderful Kristi (and her daughter). The first trip was to the Outer Banks with her family in June (top photo); the second was to Oak Island with my family in August (bottom photo). Both were simply wonderful.

We thoroughly enjoyed each others’ company and made new memories — we did new things that we had never done on the islands. This was an excellent test of our being able to tolerate being close to each other for days on end, something that every relationship has to overcome. We passed the test with flying colors. As has been the case for months, we were very comfortable with each other and nary a harsh word was said.

I was relieved that the beach could still be a positive escape for me — I wondered after last year’s experience (the trip followed my separation by mere weeks). Just another sign that our relationship (although only 4 months old) is progressing perfectly.