Dream Thrum


Dream Thrum

June 26, 2018 Went antiquing with Kristi and other people. Found old 8-track or similar cassette player that, when you turned it on, shifted you into another dimension. It was kind of like augmented reality, as in you’d still be in the same room, but things would change. For example we discovered if you began playing the tape near a children’s green chair, it would come to life. We videoed this event on Kristi’s cell phone and were eager to show it to others. In our kitchen at home, we found that when we pressed play, again only certain things would change. There was a dog and a cat who weren’t there in real life, for example. The cat had thrown up in the corner of the kitchen and it looked so real that Kristi tried to clean it up but I said, “No, press pause” and it slowly faded away. We also noticed some seams between the dimensions in the corners of the room for some reason. One seam started dripping liquid that formed into an Aibo-like robot on the floor. Once leaked from the other dimension, apparently, it stayed in ours, so we were showing people how it would do tricks, bring us drinks from the fridge, etc.